The clock started ticking for us in 1941. SIL started as corn
wet milling unit with a modest corn crushing capacity of
one Ton/Day in Ahmedabad.
wet milling unit with a modest corn crushing capacity of
one Ton/Day in Ahmedabad.
We reaffirm the values that have shaped the company into one of India’s largest corn refiners.
Mainly to cater to its own textile units besides the other textile units located in the city. SIL bears a fitting testimony to India’s own industrial revolution by offering a wide range of products that are used in our daily lives.
Since more than 70 years, we have dealt with corn in more than one way. Our curiosity to learn more about corn has paid us dividends in terms of development of products and its varied applications. We have gradually developed facilities to manufacture modified starches and other derivatives like Liquid Glucose, Dextrose Monohydrate, Dextrose Anhydrous and Sorbitol among others and we are amongst the front runners in the corn wet milling business.

We have very well equipped R & D Laboratory at our factory which is constantly in search or more and more ways to analyze corn and add something to its range of applications. Our R & D have also saved substantial amount of foreign exchange for the country by developing import substitute products. The Board of awards for import substitution recognizing this contribution and awarded Maize Products with the National Award for import substation in the year 1976. This in turn has given us an opportunity to invest in further development and we have never looked back.
SIL has been awarded ISO 9001:2008 certification for its commitment to quality. The company was also granted Export House Status by the Joint Director General of Foreign Trade, Government of India for the exports done which helps the company to obtain a lower credit against the exports and reduces the procedural requirements for the exports done by the company. SIL is the largest exporter in the Indian starch industry. To cater to the domestic demand, SIL has office at Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, and Kolkata.

Our history
For us at Sayaji, the clock started ticking in 1941, and since SIL is the largest exporter in the Indian starch industry to cater to the domestic demand.
Established as Hindustan Colors and Chemicals to supply textile raw materials. Commenced production of Native Starches. Commenced Corn grinding with a modest capacity of 1 ton/day.
Liquid Glucose production began
Received import substitution award
from the Government of India
Dextrose plant was erected
Commenced production of
Dextrose Anhydrous
Became Certified export house by Government of India
Became the largest exporter in
the Indian starch industr
High Maltose Corn Syrup plant setup to produce. As part of vertical integration, a captive barrel plant was put up – NBC
Export turnover crossed Rs. 100 crore
Received ISO 9001 certification
Turnover for the company
crossed Rs. 500 crore
We are constantly in search of more and more ways
to analyze corn and add something to its range of
to analyze corn and add something to its range of